Dr. Addrich Mauch


D222 (2.OG.), Unitobler
Postal Address
Universität Bern
Walter Benjamin Kolleg
Digital Humanities
Muesmattstrasse 45
3012 Bern

Dr. Addrich Mauch, born in Aarau/Switzerland, received his PhD in musicology in Bern in 2023 (summa cum laude). He enjoys playing the double bass and previously worked as a boat builder on Lake Lucerne.

During his studies, he focused on the interaction between popular cultures, their media and people. With his background in cultural anthropology in music, especially in the perception of pop music, and philosophy, he focused on game studies from his Master in World Arts onwards, specializing in the subjective perception, immersion, and interaction of the player and the nature of virtual worlds. He is currently researching Swiss gaming cultures and gaming contexts with players of digital games from 1970 to 2000 as part of the SNF project »Confoederatio Ludens«.

Mauch. Addrich (in press, August 21. 2024). »Vrummmummmmm FVISH!«
Soundscapes as Part of Constant Conversations in Action-Adventure Video Game Heterotopias
. Büchner Verlag. https://www.buechner-verlag.de/buch/vrummmummmmm-fvish/

Mauch. Addrich (in press 2024). "Eine Postnuklearen Heterotopie. Soundwalking in Fallout 3". In: Old World Blues. ›Fallout‹ und das Spiel mit der Postapokalypse. Ed. by Arno Görgen and Rudolf Inderst. Büchner Verlag. https://www.buechner-verlag.de/buch/old-world-blues/

Mauch, A., Demleitner, A., Görgen, A., Brandenburg, A., Pfister, E. (June 17, 2024). Fallstudie: Ball Raider (Golden Gate Crew/Diamond Software/Robtek, 1987, Amiga). Confoederatio Ludens. Retrieved August 8, 2024 from https://doi.org/10.58079/11u3w

Mauch, A., Demleitner, A., Görgen, A., Brandenburg, A., Pfister, E. (March 28, 2024). Case Study: Necronom (Lunatic Software/Linel, 1991, Amiga). Confoederatio Ludens. Retrieved August 8, 2024 from https://doi.org/10.58079/w4dm